There is a maximum of 500 instances that can be uploaded at one time. More can be re-stocked in the mall however, Minimum in initial uploading is 10.
- No copyrighted objects
- No objects depicted drugs, or sex. Weapons will be allowed, but objects depicted extreme violence will not.
- No Nudity....
- No full size buildings. This includes large buildings with 4 walls and a ceiling and floor with enclose it.
Required Information
The Mall now requires you to include some information in your world info. please see the link under "Help" for the specifics.
Reuploading Objects
Objects may be reuploaded to the Mall once they sell out and are removed IF they are not a limited object.
Re-stocking quantity
No more than 500 instances of an object can be re-stocked at one time. More than 500 total can be re-stocked, just not all at once.
You cannot sell more than you say you are in the thumb, or the name title. If you do, you are opening yourself to punishment, which may include a banning from uploading.
Punishable Offences
- You cannot sell more than you say in a thumb.
- You cannot re-upload a rare that has sold the number said in the original thumbnail, with a different thumbnail.
- Uploading 2 different rares with different names, with the same 3D object.
- Uploading an object already uploaded by another creator.
- Uploading an object (3D Model) that has not been uploaded to the city, but is copyrighted.
- Using a picture that you did not make in an object as a thumbnail, or texture. You must make all pictures you upload to the mall.
Checked Objects
Date Checked
When the item is checked, a date when it is was checked will be put on it. For instance, "[0103]" would mean it was checked on the 3rd of January.
The price of the object will be listed on the name field such as "(100)" meaning the object is 100 CC's. The price field will be removed so no one can buy the object.
When an object is rejected, a letter will be sent to your inbox stating why.
All accepted objects will be posted on the mall's message board.
Dropped Objects
Information Board
-All dropped objects will be listed on the information board, and where.
-No objects will be dropped in clubs.
Drop Schedule
-Tuesdays: 9am CTR time (EST)
-Fridays: 5pm CTR time (EST)
-Any Time Change Due to Holiday or Staff Schedule Conflict Will Be Announced In Advance
It is the creator's own responsibility to read the rules and guidelines before uploading items to the Mall. Nobody can claim complete ignorance of a rule stated in these guidelines.
Mall Help
City & Colony Holds
- These holds are for objects that are going to be used in a Colony, hood, or block game. The first thing that must be done is that your CL must put a message in the Mall inbox telling the Mall Manager who will be creating objects for an event, and what the event is. If this does not happen, your holds will be assumed personal. If a CL does inbox, you can get up to 20 objects at 10 CC's price per instance.
- Colony Holds – Limited colony holds are up to 20 instances. The following is required:
Thumbnail must state the Colony Event
Permission must be obtained from the Mall Manager to be able to purchase greater then 20
If the uploader is NOT the creator, the creator needs to contact the mall giving permission to the uploader to use their item.
Note that if CL does NOT mail the mall BEFORE the upload the upload will be rejected
Personal Holds
- Currently Unavailable
Picking Up A Hold
- Currently Unavailable
Buying in the Mall
1. First the object must be dropped and set. This happens after an accept list is posted and a Dropper MD has prepared the drop.
2. Next you find the object you are looking for by either browsing the stores, or if you are looking for a specific item recently dropped, by looking on the information page to find what store it was dropped in.
3. Once you locate the object you wish to purchase you look to see if their are any left in stock. This is found to the right of the price in the purchasable objects tab to the right of your chat window. If any are left in stock and you have enough CCs to purchase the object, you can then right click on the object's name and select either "buy" or "properties".
4. A new window will pop up stating all the information about the object and you can scroll down and click the "buy" button to purchase it.
How To Upload Objects
1. Click on the "Upload" button located to the right of the chat window.
2. First enter the name of the object. Please remember to keep it fairly short or it will be shortened when it's checked, also no special characters (eg. [ ] { } ( ) " * < > -).
3. Next enter the quantity of the object you are uploading.
4. Next enter what price you wish to sell your object for.
5. Now it's time to select your files for upload, click the browse button to select the WRL file from your hard drive. This file must be smaller then 80kb.
6. Next browse your hard drive and select your texture file if applicable to your object. this file must be 80kb or smaller.
7. Lastly select from your hard drive the thumbnail image for your object. Again this file needs to be 80kb or less. The image may be no more then 450px tall.
Technical Rules
Technical Specs
1. Viewpoints
a. Viewpoints may be used if they are inherent to the object’s function. An example would be a helicopter ride.
b. All viewpoints must automatically unbind when you step away from it. This prevents people getting stuck in the object.
c. If you use a viewpoint, you are limited to one viewpoint per item. You may not have 2 viewpoints. Unbinding from the viewpoint will return the viewer to the last place they were before they were bound to the new viewpoint.
2. Lights
a. Certain types of lights are allowed. Some are not. Point Lights and Spotlights are permitted, while Directional Lights are strictly prohibited as they cause lag.
b. Lights can only be used if they are inherent to the object’s function. An example would be a lamp.
c. Lights must be off by default. The user must turn them on via a sensor set to toggle.
a. PROTOs are permitted, however EXTERNPROTOs are not.
4. Inlines
a. Inlines are prohibited.
5. Sound Nodes
a. Sound nodes are prohibited.
a. All files must be in VRML ’97 format.
b. All files must be gzipped to conserve space on the servers.
c. All files must have been exported as a VRML ’97 World. H-Anim Containers are not permitted.
d. No file may contain a 3rd party copyright.
7. Animation
a. All animations must have the ability to be stopped by the user. Whether this is by Proximity Sensor, or Touch Sensor..
b. All animations must be able to be stopped on demand.
c. The size of the sensor must be relative to the size of the object.
d. H-Anim containers are not allowed.
8. Scale and Placement
a. All objects in CTR should be to scale. The scale of objects in CyberTown is 25% larger than their real life counterparts.
b. All objects should be centered on the X and Z-axis, unless it is a larger object, in which case the object may extend no farther than 1m on the +Z plane.
c. Objects should be no larger than 10 x 10 x 10 meters.
d. All objects must rest on the ground. The ground is located at -1.75y. This includes objects that are normally located in the air.
e. No full sized buildings are allowed in the mall. Buildings are considered worlds and are not permitted. Partial rooms are permissible; however they may only have 2 walls, and no ceiling. The 10mx10mx10m rule still applies.
9. Textures
a. Items are permitted to have and use only one texture. You may not outside link to another site for additional textures.
b. Textures for posters, wall hangings, carpets, and room dividers must be signed to indicate that the texture is your own work.
c. At this time Universal Media is not supported, and not allowed.
d. It is best to use a base-color of white for textured objects as the colors tend to bleed through the texture and cause it to not look correct. If you intensionally want the color to bleed through, please let the mall staff know when you upload the object.
World Information
The Cybertown Revival Mall requires that all creators add some identifying information in the WORLD INFO of all items. This information will help to protect and identify your creations in the future.
- Your Items Title: This is the name you have chosen for your creation
- Your CT Nick: We ask that if you upload under more than 1 name that you put the name that will be uploading the item here. In addition, we ask that you use your full and complete CT name
- Month / Year of Upload: The current real life month and year
- Limited (1/?) or Unlimited:If you are making a limited item, please put the limit size here. This should reflect the number you have listed on the thumbnail. If you do not plan on limiting your item simply put 'UNLIMITED' here
- Events: city holds require what event they are for
- Any additional information or credit that may be deemed necessary for your item can be added here
Sample World Info
WorldInfo { title "Object Name" info [ "Made By: yournick" "Uploaded: Month, Date, Year" "Limited To: 1/?? or unlimited" "Mall Price: priceCC" "anything else" ] }
Mall FAQ
My Uploads Information
1. You will see a new button on the side-bar in the Mall that says “MY UPLOADS”. This is where you will access the creators page. By clicking this button, a new page will open and will display any of the pending/approved objects that you have uploaded to CTR.
2. The page will open in a new window to this page by default. If you navigate to another page, you can click this button labeled “MY CATALOG” to get back to this page. This will show every object that you’ve uploaded that hasn’t been rejected with the details about the original name, price, quantity, limit, date it was uploaded, and how many were sold in the mall. This is a complete catalog of your objects.
3. By clicking this button labeled “PENDING”, you can view any of your uploads that are currently pending waiting to be checked by the mall staff.
4. By clicking this button labeled “STOCKED”, you can view any of your uploads that are currently placed in a store in the mall. You can see which store they are in and how many have sold.
5. By clicking this button labeled “RESTOCK”, you can view your objects that are not currently in the mall that can be restocked. These items will be unlimited items or limited items that still have unsold quantities. Only items that meet the requirements to be restocked will be displayed here. Here you will have the ability to add quantity amounts to those objects. If unlimited, you can add up to 100 at a time. If limited, you can only add up to the amount that is limited to. This charges the same amount as uploading a new item which is 20% of the total value of the upload. For example, 100 @ 100cc each would cost 2,000cc because the total value is 10,000 (100 x 100).
How do I create objects for the mall?
When trying to create objects for the mall you have basically two choices. You can either get an editor such as Vivaty or learn VRML.
How Do I Sell Objects?
1. Once you have an object in your backpack you can sell it. (You can also sell objects from your home) To sell it right click on the object's name in your backpack tab
2. You can now rename your object.. (###) and [####] can both be removed if you so wish. If you completely delete the name and press the "change" button your object's name will return to the original uploaded object name. Most people like to put their nick and price in the object's name and it's required to do so if you plan to sell the item in either the Black Market or the Flea Market.
3. Next select what price you wish to sell your object for, the server by default allows you to type in up to 9999ccs if you wish to sell your object for more type <""> in the price field and click the "change" button then return back to the properties page and remove the < from the price field and type in your new price of 10000 or more.
4. Finally if you wish to make it so only a specific person can purchase the object put their full, correctly spelled CT nick in the "Buyer" field. Only this person will be able to get the "buy" option.
5. Once you are done filling in all info press the change button and you will be set to sell the object.
How long before my object is in the mall?
Currently we are doing drops 2x per week, refer to the drop schedule to see when your item may drop.
How long does my object remain in the mall?
-Objects remain in the mall for a maximum of 10 weeks.
-If a limited item remains at 0 stock for 1 week, the floor model will be removed.
Can you create more stores?
Unfortunately we cannot ourselves.
What does the Mall Manager do?
One of the main jobs of the Mall Manager is to bring in new objects. They do not however check them. One of the other purposes is to help the citizens, answer any of their questions, and of course deal with the many problems that arise.
Mall Scale
Created by Scott99 This Tool Available through pc web browser only, please use your pc to use this tool.